@article{oai:sangitan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000014, author = {松原, 孝典}, issue = {1}, journal = {産業技術短期大学誌, BULLETIN OF COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY}, month = {Mar}, note = {Blended class of “Linear Algebra” for first-year students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering by introducing a flipped classroom was designed in the first semester of FY 2021. Based on the results of the class and the questionnaires to the students, the effect of the preparatory assignments and the roles of the distance class and the face-to-face class in the blended class thought to be as follows. The results of the questionnaires show that the habit of preparation was established by imposing preparatory assignments with clear tasks to be done, and the level of concentration, understanding, and learning opportunities in the class improved. Since students can make notes at their own pace, the preparation work in the flipped classroom promotes the effectiveness of the class and the subsequent review. Distance learning allows students to study without being bound by time and space, and is considered to be a suitable teaching method for students who have sufficient concentration and motivation to study alone. On the other hand, although the face-to-face class is limited in time and space, it is expected that this class format is more suitable for students who enhance their understanding through communication with others.}, pages = {17--27}, title = {04_線形代数学における 反転授業を導入したブレンド型授業の試み -アンケート調査からみる予習と授業の役割-}, volume = {55}, year = {2022}, yomi = {マツバラ, タカノリ} }